My roommate and I were talking about how the only thing needed to turn us into true New Yorkers is to get a subscription to The New Yorker. It's actually the one magazine I've always wished I could get into, but just never have. The cover art always sucks me in, but then I start to read it and fall asleep. There aren't enough pictures (I'm not illiterate, I'm an artist--I need visual stimulation!). But maybe it's time to give it another try. In related news, I've decided to trade my Netflix subscription for Vogue. I've been a Vogue subscriber in the past, but have let the illustrious magazine fall by the wayside, thinking it a frivolity. Yet I've found myself buying it off the newstand, savoring the images, reading all the articles, enjoying myself. Meanwhile, my Netflix movies arrive then languish under a pile of laundry, unwatched for weeks. This unbalance must be fixed. One month of movies equals a year of Vogue, an excellent way to economize, I say. With the money saved, I'm going to buy a few issues of the New Yorker and actually read it. (Now I've just got to dig "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" out from somewhere under my bed and watch the thing before I send it back and end this cycle of neglected dvds...)
Sometimes the new yorker has good stories and then other ones are boring. I'm surprised how I never used my netflix....but you get so busy and watching movies really takes a lot of time.
I used to read the New Yorker regularly and liked it because of the range of issues and depth of discussion. In recent years it has picked up a definite political slant - I dislike being lectured to by self-appointed cultural savants. You should try Analog. Never tried Vogue...
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