What is it about the full moon that makes us stop and stare? What is it that inspires painters and poets? Is it the circle, the symbol of eternity and perfection? The glowing light? The seeming magic by which it rotates the earth, waxing and waning forever?
After work, when I arrived in Harlem and stepped out of the subway onto my street, I saw the full moon above the dark buildings, swathed in a veil of misty clouds. A woman stood on the street-corner with an outstretched arm, trying to take a picture of the moon with her cell phone. I went inside, put away my groceries, then went up to the rooftop to gaze at the moon myself.
Some people believe that the full moon affects peoples moods. In all the places I've worked, there has always been a rumor that the crazy people come out during the full moon. It might be true, or it might just be a convenient excuse for something that would happen anyway. All I know is that I love the moon, especially when it is full.
have you ever been "moon kissed"?
I don't think so...
Check out this contraption:
Bathing in Moonlight
There are longer articles on the web on the device if you do a quick search. People seem to think moonlight can cure all sorts of things. Apparently this guy has a long line each month at the full moon...
Hol, since you love the moon, go read this poem immediately.
Love it. I've also been searching for a book of Vachel Lindsay poems. He has a whole series of moon poems, from the viewpoints of all different people and animals. But I think he's out of print...
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