Thank you, Pope! Because you were in town this weekend, I did not have to go to work on Saturday. Instead of issuing me a special security pass to get through the police lines around midtown on Saturday, my boss told me to just take the day off. So because of you, I was able to spend a gorgeous spring day wandering around Central Park. I took my paints along and explored, scouting the prettiest places, and capturing the spring blossoms, still so colorful.

Saturday was also a good day to not work, because it gave me time to meet my second cousin for brunch. Even though we both grew up in Oregon and we are roughly the same age, I'd never met him, and now we both live in New York! We met at a delightful cafe on the upper east side and chatted about art, culture, and the city--it was like a scene out of a Henry James story. I must say, I'm delighted to have a cousin in New York! He treated me, because the night before I'd been out late with friends from school and left my purse at The Auction House, a very eclectic but comfortable bar with strange art and oversized Victorian furniture. I guess I was so tired I forgot it was under my chair, and luckily nobody found it but one of the waiters, who saved it for me until the next night when I went to claim it.

Anyway, the park was very festive, as people celebrated upcoming Earth Day. There were dancing rollerskaters, a rock band giving a free performance, baseball games, chalk drawings, kids sailing boats and flying remote controlled airplanes, and other general merriment. It was one of those rare days when you get hot in the shade, but could be comfortable drinking hot chocolate in the shade. Everyone and their dogs were laying out getting sun. I joined in, and took a nap. When I woke up I was covered in petals from the trees above me. Look how beautiful New York is in the spring time!
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