The pickle drops at 7 pm, Greenwich Mean Time midnight, because in a small town folks like to get to bed at a decent hour, so at about 6:45 the spokesman for the pickle company got up on raised platform with a loudspeaker and began announcing a few door prizes, and people excitedly claimed their pickle-paks and green umbrellas. Then he read a history of the pickle-dropping celebration, with its ties to World War II bomber pilots who claimed their aim was so good they could drop a bomb into a pickle barrel down below. Suddenly, with 20 seconds to "midnight," the pickle began its descent, and the audience went from hushed to fervently counting down the seconds in unison. At the bottom of the flagpole, the pickle disappeared into a giant bucket, eliciting a compulsory splash of water, and a cheer rose up. Everyone shouted Happy New Year and blew their whistles and waved little party pom poms, and then a local doctor played Auld Lang Syne on his bagpipe while we all sang along. Then, in place of the pickle, the American flag was raised against the black misty sky, and everyone sang God Bless America.
I can't imagine a better New Year's celebration, and it was capped by my friends and I with a delicious barbecue dinner on the way home, at Smithfield's. Back on the road again, the rain that had been threatening all night finally came down, and as we drove home we felt lucky, blessed, and completely picklicious. Happy New Year!!!!!!
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