Saturday, June 13, 2009


With my family in town distracting me with good times, I've fallen behind on some more mundane things. In an attempt to begin to get organized, here is my current to-do list:

~Write some real blog posts.
~Sewing: I've got three pairs of pants to hem for a lady at work, and two dresses I need to let out a little on the bottom, because I'm too tall.
~Clean the house for potential visitors, because I still am searching for some new roommates.
~Grocery shopping.
~Take my books back to the library.
~Write some letters.
~Go to Borders to use a coupon that is about to expire.
~Mail some gifts to my neices and nephew.

Hmm. I thought there was more than that, and there probably is! But this is a good start. Let's see how much I can get done before the weekend is over.

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