Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!

Today's Church
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Hermit Crab Time

However, some fun friends just signed a lease on a place up north a little ways, in Hamilton Heights. It's a three bedroom place, much like my current place, only a little bigger in some respects, and cheaper rent. The kitchen is not as wonderful, and the closet situation is a little bit sad, but overall its a really nice place. So they want me to live with them, and I think they'd be great roommates. The only problem is that E and I had agreed that we'd stick it out in our current place through at least July, thinking that we would have new roommates in place to take over S's room and E's room when she moves out in late July. So, my friends are moving into the new place next week and I'm stuck here for another month. I don't want to pay double rent... but I want a place to live! And not only do I have double rent to think about, I have one extra room here, since S is moving out and there is no new roommate. So that makes triple rent.
So the two options are to either pay triple rent, or find subletters for my new place and S's old room here to cover July. That way I won't go broke paying for everything during the transition, and I won't lose my spot in the new place. I feel like a hermit crab in that transition stage when it has to find a new shell and then quickly transfer its soft vulnerable body into the new shell, hoping everything fits just right. I hope I'm making the right choice, I'm hoping I will not regret leaving this nice little apartment, I'm hoping I will not hate my new home. And I hope I can find subletters!
Does anyone want to come sublet a fantastic room in my apartment? Is anyone planning a trip to New York in July? Do you have friends who are? Tell them about the Lady Holiday Hotel. I am currently taking reservations for weekends, a week, or the whole month if you'd like. You would get your own room and I would treat you like a bed & breakfast guest and make you pancakes every morning, and bake you chocolate chip cookies to munch on at night. Seriously, anything to help cover the cost of July's triple rent would be truly appreciated!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Long Late Spring
But now it is the middle of June and, although the peonies have long since bloomed and gone in NC, in New York there are still bundles of the gorgeous flowers to be found in street-corner flower markets. We can thank the mild Northern climate for that, as well as the long, late, wet spring we are having. Summer is just around the corner, yet the typical day has not made it up past 75 degrees, and sunshine has been rare. A woman I work with, Maria, lives about an hour's train ride out of the city, in a large house with a lovely yard, with peonies in full bloom. And even though its getting a bit late even for New York peonies, hers are planted in the shade and so have outlasted all the neighbors. Maria has been bringing in bucketloads of peonies to decorate the shop, much to my delight. In fact, imagine my joy when I came to work yesterday and found my own personal peony bouquet at my desk--a reward for hemming three pairs of Maria's pants, because she doesn't own a sewing machine. I'm a fan of this sort of bartering system! No matter how hectic and crazy my job gets, there is always room for a few peonies, whose soft petals and delicious scent make me smile and think lovely thoughts.
So, tonight I am thinking of peonies, and eating strawberries, which are still in season here, and it made me think of this picture I took last month when I was home. I love it.
Kewpie Doll Hair
Monday, June 15, 2009
There's A Light
Tonight I baked a birthday cake for Josh and took it to him. Me and Josh and Peter ate cake, joked around, and watched TV, and when I walked home later, I had a nice peaceful feeling. Broadway at night is illuminated by street-lamps, shops, the moon, head-lights, fire-truck lights, lights from apartment windows, a Cuban restaurant, the light of the 1 train on its steel elevated track, and the light of a dozen candles burning around the photo of a boy who must have died somewhere nearby. I watched the fire-truck roll into the station. I saw churches with their windows and doors gated and barred. I saw a bakery with beautiful cakes inside--more beautiful than my lopsided creation. I saw a man getting shaved in a barbershop. Kids played basketball on the sidewalk.
I thought about my friends both far and near. I thought about one friend who has been going through a very hard time. He called me last Saturday and we talked for an hour and eleven minutes, and I think I cried the entire time. Not because he made me sad, but because I want so much for him to be happy. I want him to know that he is loved, that he lives in a wonderful world, and that there are amazing things in his future. I want him to know what I know, and for him to be able to see how beautiful the world is around him, even amidst turmoil. So I've been thinking about him a lot. And thinking about the things that really matter in life, like family and friends and doing good. I'm so thankful for what I have and what I know. I'm thankful for the peace that I can feel even in the middle of stress. I think talking helped him. He called again yesterday and sounded so much better.
I don't know where I'm going to live in two weeks--I don't know what my immediate future holds for me, but I know that it's going to be okay, wherever it is and whoever it's with. It must be a gift to be able to see the light in the darkness of night, because I know that not everyone does. And though I sometimes complain about the light being dim, or sometimes even turn away from it, I know there is always a light. It guides my path. I know which streets to walk down and which to avoid. And I know that before long, "the sun will rise, the day will come, and we'll be found."* The thing about night is that it doesn't last forever. It's heartbreakingly beautiful, it's scary, it's temporary.
*words of wisdom from The Avett Brothers
I thought about my friends both far and near. I thought about one friend who has been going through a very hard time. He called me last Saturday and we talked for an hour and eleven minutes, and I think I cried the entire time. Not because he made me sad, but because I want so much for him to be happy. I want him to know that he is loved, that he lives in a wonderful world, and that there are amazing things in his future. I want him to know what I know, and for him to be able to see how beautiful the world is around him, even amidst turmoil. So I've been thinking about him a lot. And thinking about the things that really matter in life, like family and friends and doing good. I'm so thankful for what I have and what I know. I'm thankful for the peace that I can feel even in the middle of stress. I think talking helped him. He called again yesterday and sounded so much better.
I don't know where I'm going to live in two weeks--I don't know what my immediate future holds for me, but I know that it's going to be okay, wherever it is and whoever it's with. It must be a gift to be able to see the light in the darkness of night, because I know that not everyone does. And though I sometimes complain about the light being dim, or sometimes even turn away from it, I know there is always a light. It guides my path. I know which streets to walk down and which to avoid. And I know that before long, "the sun will rise, the day will come, and we'll be found."* The thing about night is that it doesn't last forever. It's heartbreakingly beautiful, it's scary, it's temporary.
*words of wisdom from The Avett Brothers
Sunday, June 14, 2009
No More Sad Refrains
It's kind of silly to post a song on youtube with no video, but someone did, and it's the only way I can share it with you, so... whatever. I'm currently obsessed with Sandy Denny, a British folk-singer/songwriter of the 60s and 70s. And I love this song, No More Sad Refrains. Listen:
Another Church
Saturday, June 13, 2009
With my family in town distracting me with good times, I've fallen behind on some more mundane things. In an attempt to begin to get organized, here is my current to-do list:
~Write some real blog posts.
~Sewing: I've got three pairs of pants to hem for a lady at work, and two dresses I need to let out a little on the bottom, because I'm too tall.
~Clean the house for potential visitors, because I still am searching for some new roommates.
~Grocery shopping.
~Take my books back to the library.
~Write some letters.
~Go to Borders to use a coupon that is about to expire.
~Mail some gifts to my neices and nephew.
Hmm. I thought there was more than that, and there probably is! But this is a good start. Let's see how much I can get done before the weekend is over.
~Write some real blog posts.
~Sewing: I've got three pairs of pants to hem for a lady at work, and two dresses I need to let out a little on the bottom, because I'm too tall.
~Clean the house for potential visitors, because I still am searching for some new roommates.
~Grocery shopping.
~Take my books back to the library.
~Write some letters.
~Go to Borders to use a coupon that is about to expire.
~Mail some gifts to my neices and nephew.
Hmm. I thought there was more than that, and there probably is! But this is a good start. Let's see how much I can get done before the weekend is over.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Family Visit
My mom, dad, and lil sis are in town for a visit. E has the week off too, so they have all been gadding about town, doing various things like touring Central Park, shopping on Canal Street, and looking at apartments for me (might as well put them to use, right?) After work I meet up with them and we all go eat somewhere delicious. For example, last night we went down to Mulberry Street and ate at this place called Grotta Azzurra, in Little Italy, which was amazing! It has been kind of cool weather-wise, but it was warm enough that the restaurant had all its walls open, with tables spilling out onto the sidewalk, and we enjoyed the cool breeze and people-watching. The food was so good!!! And the service terrific. In fact, they actually moved us to another table because of some online radio show that needed to set up in our corner, so they treated us to an enormous dessert platter at the end of our already-enormous meal. Molto bene!
Tonight my mom was craving comfort food, so we convinced her that instead of baking a potato in the microwave it would be more fun to go to S'Mac, this place that serves gourmet macaroni and cheese. And since they opened one on the west side, we didn't even have to go to 12th Street. It was so fun! And so very very delicious. We all ordered different flavors and shared, and I've got tons of leftovers for tomorrow. Afterwards we went home and watched Pinnocchio for some reason, and snacked on hermit cookies that my mom brought from home.
It's funny because my family isn't really very touristy when they come here. They don't really want to do stuff like go see Good Morning America being filmed or try to get into all the Broadway shows. They are perfectly content to just sit in my living room and visit. My mom brought her knitting, my dad brought his bassoon so he can practice. K talks on her phone to her friends, and we all just talk. It's nice.
Tonight my mom was craving comfort food, so we convinced her that instead of baking a potato in the microwave it would be more fun to go to S'Mac, this place that serves gourmet macaroni and cheese. And since they opened one on the west side, we didn't even have to go to 12th Street. It was so fun! And so very very delicious. We all ordered different flavors and shared, and I've got tons of leftovers for tomorrow. Afterwards we went home and watched Pinnocchio for some reason, and snacked on hermit cookies that my mom brought from home.
It's funny because my family isn't really very touristy when they come here. They don't really want to do stuff like go see Good Morning America being filmed or try to get into all the Broadway shows. They are perfectly content to just sit in my living room and visit. My mom brought her knitting, my dad brought his bassoon so he can practice. K talks on her phone to her friends, and we all just talk. It's nice.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Maybe Tomorrow
Maybe tomorrow I will feel like blogging. It's just that apartment-hunting makes me grumpy.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Transition Time Again

Part of the stress, I think, is from the idea of moving again. I'm staying in New York, but my lease is up, and my roommates are dispersing. I'd love to stay put, but haven't had much luck finding LDS roommates. So I've been hunting on Craigslist, looking for a new place. Once I find it, I'll be fine. It's just the not knowing when or where it will all happen that gives me heart palpitations. I have found myself sitting at my desk at work forgetting to breathe, or staring off into space, my mind on rents, budgets, timing, credit checks... Moving in New York city is just a huge hassle. I've got a few good leads though, so I'm sure I'll find someplace.
Anyway, I can't believe it's been a year since my ceiling crashed down and I had to move into my current place. Time does fly. I've almost lived in New York for two whole years. And I'm digging in for a third.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009

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