If my handbag smells like beer, it's not my fault! I've been out late hitting the bars, but not for the booze--for the music! I'm going to start a new tradition on my blog: music reviews. These days I don't go to a ton of shows. My glory days in Chapel Hill saw me out at the Cat's Cradle almost weekly, to see groups like Teenage Fanclub, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Evan Dando, Cat Power, and the Avett Brothers. If I wasn't at the Cradle, you could find me at Local 506, or in Raleigh at (the late great) King's, or in Durham at the Lincoln Theatre or the Duke Coffeeshop, where I remember one very memorable solo acoustic performance by Ivan of the Rosebuds. Yes, those were the days! I wish I had kept a record of all the bands I've seen in all the places I've been--but I wasn't a blogger back then.
Now I'm in New York, where the music scene is five times (okay, maybe more than five times...) as exciting as Chapel Hill. With venues scattered across Brooklyn, Soho, Chelsea, and elsewhere, there is always a great band playing somewhere, always an amazing performance to catch. But that's the problem! There is too much, and too little time.
Nevertheless, and especially now that spring is here and all the free summer shows are coming up, I'm going to try and see as many rock bands as I can, and, while I will try and blog about as many of them as I can, I'm going to definitely feature one band per month. So stay tuned for my first official Music Review...
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