Thursday, January 15, 2009

Look At Her Go

Home sick today, I've been reading the ol' blogs. Check out what my friend Tamara is doing! She's amazing.


Donnie Barnes said...

Somehow I think her blog will get more hits than mine! Dang, looks like that will be a fun read.

Anonymous said...

Everything you didn't particularly want to know about cold cure studies and biology.



Donnie Barnes said...

Okay, I have to comment on this again. Sex and the City conditions us that there just are no great single guys in NYC. Then Tamara finds like five perfect dudes in five days. Strange. I was hoping for funny dating stories, but she's going for literary perfection of the perfect date story. I mean sure, I hope she finds her perfect man, but can someone do 31 straight dates and not have something strange, funny, or just plain annoying happen?

Lady Holiday said...

I know, Donnie! I agree with you. The problem is that she's made it too public. If she was doing it anonymously then she could say her true feelings, and dish the real dirt on these guys, but since they know about it, and their family members are reading it, she can only say nice things. I'm sure they are wonderful guys, but please. She can't be in love with them all!