In other news, it is Spring. It was my roommate's birthday yesterday and she ordered a cake from a Harlem bakery and asked them to write "Happy Spring" on it. Whoever did the frosting got really excited about the lettering, though, and the cake ended up with "Happy Spring G." It tasted delicious.
I've started running again, after a winter of dormancy. The other day I ran against the rain, and today it was the wind. I hope I don't have to do battle with all of the elements--is fire next? But it feels so good to work my muscles again. And I have a secret weapon. Horse liniment. Don't laugh--it really works! A few years ago I twisted something in my back and couldn't turn my head to the right without having shooting pains. It got so unbearable until one day my mom came to my house and rubbed horse liniment on my back. It's actually for horses--she buys it at the same country feed & seed store where she buys her chicken scratch. It made my skin turn hot then cold and then I could move again without pain. Today when I came back from running, I stretched for a while and then sat down to work on my crochet. But when I tried to stand up a little while later, my calves were doing wierd things--painful things. So I got out the horse liniment and magically the pain went away! I know, it's crazy, but it really works--I promise.
The best news of all is that I got A's on both my papers! The one I wrote while in the grip of a sleeping-sickness, and the one I wrote at 2 in the morning the night before it was due. And today was my last class before Spring Break! I have had such inspiring lectures this week by several completely different teachers, that I'm already starting to mourn the end of school. But I am still looking forward to a break. I know that Charleston was kind of a vacation, but next week I'm headed for a real one.
Oh, and by the way--the illustration above is by Barry Moser, one of my most favorite printmakers. I really need to stop stealing images off the internet and attaching them to my blog without any attribution. It's terrible of me!
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