Wednesday, December 19, 2007

What's Up Snowflake?

If I ever look like this, will someone please get me counseling? I'm sorry, I just couldn't help laughing at this photo of Britney Spears, and had to share. What is wrong with her?!

Anyway, what I really wanted to add to my blog today, and share with the world is that I'm adding two new phrases to my lexicon. (Awwww, that makes me think of my favorite record album in the world, The Lexicon of Love by ABC... I miss it.)

The first is "That's chouette!" You guys probably all took French classes in highschool and will laugh at me, but I think its fun to say the equivalent of "neato" in French, as if I'm so Euro-hip.

My other new favorite phrase is something a big random black guy said to me last night as I walked past him on 125th Street in Harlem: "What's up, Snowflake?" Except he said it in a really deep voice that made it sound more like "Shnowflake." As soon as we got far enough away, my sister and I burst out laughing. So now I'm going to start calling people Shnowflake, though it makes me wonder--what line does he use on girls when its not winter?

1 comment:

B. Allred said...

In the argument of "nature vs. nurture" Britney is probably a prime example in favor of nurture. Nature just doesn't make people that crazy.

Also, from what I understand, "snowflake" is more of a year-round term. Was it a pickup line or was he commenting on the color of your skin? Or both?