Thursday, October 4, 2007


There will only be a few more weeks of warm weather in New York before the cool and crisp autumn breezes blow in, with winter following soon behind. So I've been trying to enjoy the sun and warmth while I can. Actually, today was quite warm--85 or something--so when classes were done, I made a beeline for the park and sat under a tree enjoying a book. It's nice to be able to sit on grass again without being bitten by ants and spiders!

All around me scampered squirrels, birds, children, and the odd teenager dressed all in black with purple hair. All the birds I saw were starlings, and it reminded me of something I once heard. Supposedly, back in the olden golden days, a man named Eugene Shieffelin wanted to introduce to America all the birds mentioned in Shakespeare. So in 1891 he released 60 starlings into Central Park, where they've flourished. In fact, now they are found all over the entire U.S., taking over the food and territory of native birds, and in fact driving other species away to the point of devastation. Apparently, European people weren't the only invaders of this "New World." Nowadays, it's illegal to kill most birds in the U.S., but not starlings. Poor guys--it's not really their fault. They're just really good at surviving.

They are pretty birds--iridescent black with white speckles all over. And apparently they can imitate other noises like car alarms. Who knew? Maybe that's what I keep hearing out my window at night... No, it actually is car alarms, invading my sleep!

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