Hmm... I don't really know what to write about tonight, but my blog has been kind of neglected lately, so I feel I must write.
It's Friday night and I have just finished watching Possession, which I liked. It was a bit farfetched in some places (grave-robbing?) but a good story, and beautifully filmed. Gwyneth looked so pretty. And the scenery, even the indoor scenes, make me want to go live in a Victorian English library, complete with fur rugs, walls of bookshelves, wax flower arrangements under glass domes, butterfly collections, and all that. Too bad I'm allergic to England.
I'm also allergic to cats, unfortunately, because I really need to get one! I discovered another mouse in the house. (Now none of my friends are ever going to want to come and visit me.) Don't worry--it's gone now. I also discovered where, I believe, the little rascals are getting in. My room is heated by a thick pipe that runs from floor to ceiling, and whoever installed the floor in my bedroom did a bad job of lining it up flush with the pipe. There is a large triangular gap that could certainly fit a mouse through it. I don't know why I never plugged it up before, but now it is stuffed full of plastic. I need to get some steel wool and do a proper job, but this will do for now. Meanwhile, there are traps set everywhere, so if there are any more mice hanging out, they had better watch out. I guess it's time for a thorough Spring cleaning. Everything is getting washed and scrubbed!
My other Spring project is working myself back into shape. I've been so sedentary all winter. Unlike any previous job, I mostly sit down all day at work. Then when I get home it's dark and very cold. Sprinkle in a few dozen Dunkin Donuts shops that I pass daily, and I've got trouble. I mean, I haven't gained lots of weight--I'm just not fit or muscular like I want to be. Flabby, actually, if you really want to know. But this week I've gone running three times so far, and I have vowed not to eat any sugary junk food for a month. That includes donuts! It's been quite a challenge, actually, especially when E came home from the grocery store with two half-gallons of ice cream, tasted one, and declared she hated it so if I wanted, I could have it. I am happy to say that I was very very tempted, but I was very strong, and resisted. When I start to crave a cookie or a bowl of ice cream, I just visualize getting into my swimsuit when I'm at the beach next month, and that does the trick.
And it's still cold outside, but not so cold that I don't warm up when I run. And since its dark when I get home, I don't run through Harlem. I take the train downtown and run where its more populated, and where a jogger doesn't stand out. I swear, people in Harlem act like I'm an alien when I run through their neighborhoods. It's such an oddity to see a runner, that everyone stares and has a comment to make. So I go elsewhere. When it gets light, I will run in the Park, and it will be nice not to have to stop for red lights at every street corner.
My body feels better already. I feel more energetic, healthy, and alive. I know running is not for everyone, but I think exercise is so important to health. We've got to keep our bodies fit so that we can get the most out of life.
Actually, we've had two warm days, despite the prediction for snow on Sunday. I'm getting to the point where I can't bear to put on a coat or stockings. On Thursday I wore high-heeled open-toed sandals to work while everyone in New York is still walking around in their fur boots. That evening, I got on the bus and saw one guy do a double take. He glanced at my feet, looked back, and followed my bright red toenails with his eyes as I passed his seat. Sure, maybe he's a foot-fetish weirdo, but I tend to think he's like me--sick and tired of winter. It's been so long since he's seen toes that he was stunned by their sudden appearance on a city bus in the middle of February. Then again, I have been told before, by a stranger, that my feet are extraordinarily beautiful. But that is a story for another day... For now, maybe I'd best keep my feet in socks for few more weeks, so as not to overwhelm people.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I hope I get to live in New York for at least several more years, but you never know where life will lead, so lately I've been thinking of all the things I've seen and done here, and what I have not done yet but should definitely do before I someday leave. Last night I had the pleasure of celebrating National Pancake Day with my friend Jeff. We went to IHOP where they were giving away free pancakes! It was pretty sweet. I can't believe that the only IHOP in Manhattan is just down the street from my house! Anyway, talking with Jeff reminded me that there are many places in New York that I have been meaning to go, but just have not. So I have begun to make a list, starting with:
The Brooklyn Museum. I hate to admit that I have not been there! It is supposed to be terrific. It's just that sometimes Brooklyn seems so far away.
Katz Deli. The big fat sandwiches, with their accompanying pickles, are calling me.
Shake Shack. I need to go before it gets warm, because otherwise the lines are outrageous.
Camp. It's a night-spot in Brooklyn where you can make your own s'mores at the table! What could be better? Why am I not there right now making s'mores?
The Doughnut Plant. Why are all the places on my list either museums or places with food? Oh well. Look at the flavors of these donuts! I've got to try one, but how will I be able to choose which flavor?
S'mac. Macaroni and cheese all the time, all the way! Again, why am I not there at this moment? Plus, Oprah loves this place.
Grimaldi's Pizzeria. Pizza is the food of the gods, so if this place is as good as everyone says, it must be heaven. I guess I should plan a day in Brooklyn, starting with the museum, pizza at Grimaldi's and then s'mores at Camp.
Where else do I need to go? Oh yeah, the Metropolitan Opera! I really want to see an opera. And surely there are some other things in this city that I need to see before it's too late. My list will surely grow.

Katz Deli. The big fat sandwiches, with their accompanying pickles, are calling me.
Shake Shack. I need to go before it gets warm, because otherwise the lines are outrageous.
Camp. It's a night-spot in Brooklyn where you can make your own s'mores at the table! What could be better? Why am I not there right now making s'mores?
The Doughnut Plant. Why are all the places on my list either museums or places with food? Oh well. Look at the flavors of these donuts! I've got to try one, but how will I be able to choose which flavor?
S'mac. Macaroni and cheese all the time, all the way! Again, why am I not there at this moment? Plus, Oprah loves this place.
Grimaldi's Pizzeria. Pizza is the food of the gods, so if this place is as good as everyone says, it must be heaven. I guess I should plan a day in Brooklyn, starting with the museum, pizza at Grimaldi's and then s'mores at Camp.
Where else do I need to go? Oh yeah, the Metropolitan Opera! I really want to see an opera. And surely there are some other things in this city that I need to see before it's too late. My list will surely grow.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I take back what I said about the winter air not being bitingly cold anymore. It's very very cold!!! Very very windy, too. I'm freezing! When is spring going to come?
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Rescue Baptist Church
Saturday, February 21, 2009
There I was, curled up on my bed with a book, minding my own business, when all of a sudden a mouse ran across the floor! I screamed for E, and she came running with a flashlight, but we couldn't find where it had gone. I have a sick feeling that it has a nest somewhere in my laundry pile. I have a lot of clothes, and sometimes I go for 2 months without doing laundry, so the pile can get large. Now I guess I need to stop procrastinating. I also have a bad habit of eating in my room. I'm not really that messy--the only dishes that might be laying around are an empty cereal bowl or a dried up glass of water, and I never leave wrappers laying around. So I don't know what attracted the mouse to my room. All I know is that it has to die soon. After E and I spent a few minutes looking around the room, and getting more and more freaked out by the possibilities, I stuffed towels under the door of my room and went to the grocery store to buy traps. They were on sale! Now there are five traps set in various places around the room. Two with cookie bait, one with apple, and two glue traps. And as soon as I was done setting them, I had an overwhelming urge to take a shower. So now I'm clean, camped out in the living room on the couch, but unsure if I'll be able to sleep tonight. That mouse better be dead by morning! This is war.
Sigh. Now it's the next morning, and I am happy to report one dead mouse! Gross, but good news.
Sigh. Now it's the next morning, and I am happy to report one dead mouse! Gross, but good news.
Diamond District

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Beach Dreaming

New Addiction
As if I didn't have enough to keep myself occupied what with applying for jobs, baking cookies, crocheting stuff, painting, sewing, working full-time, working part-time, writing, reading, and being addicted to facebook, I am now also addicted to indexing census files on I've always been obsessed with genealogy, and old stuff in general, so my two passions have united in this volunteer effort. is a website run by the LDS church where people can find information about their ancestors and stuff, but of course people can only search what is online, and there are millions of census records and other primary documents that were written up in the 1800s, and made into microfiches later, but now need to be entered into a digital format. So anyone who wants to can volunteer to download some scanned images of these records and enter the information into table form, so it can be eventually used by people who are searching for information about their ancestors. So far today I have transcribed five pages of Canadian census forms from 1860. It's so fascinating, because even though I am just copying the names, nationalities, and ages of the people, the census forms also include occupation and other things like how many acres of land the person owned at the time, and what crops they were growing. It's so interesting to see peoples occupations listed, everything from "Servant" to "Gentleman." The occupations of some of the women are "Spinster" or "Widow." Some people might find this kind of work utterly boring, but I can't get enough of it. My imagination starts to see these long-ago people, and contemplate what their lives were like.
So, if you want to do it to, all you have to do is go to the website, click on the indexing tab, create an account, read the tutorials, and get going. Once I figured out how to download the latest version of Java, I was all set to go in a matter of minutes.
So, if you want to do it to, all you have to do is go to the website, click on the indexing tab, create an account, read the tutorials, and get going. Once I figured out how to download the latest version of Java, I was all set to go in a matter of minutes.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Sunday Church
The Harlem church of the week is Antioch Baptist Church, on 125th Street:
The blue limo might be a hearse--I'm not really sure. But it was a Saturday morning and another church down the street that I wanted to photograph was definitely having a funeral, so I walked over to this one instead. In a city where most structures are vertical, this church is oddly low and horizontal. Also odd are the wood facade with its small grated "windows" and the white fence-like decoration on either side of the small steeple. I like how the blue limo matched the blue signs and sky, and how the words Antioch and Baptist form a perfect cross.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Blame Cupid

The Lexicon of Love was ABC's debut album, released in 1982. They have been described as early New Romantics: carrying over the glam of 70s disco, updating it with synthesizers and lush orchestration, and mixing in a luxurious retro vibe with their sparkly tuxedos and references to Fred Astaire. A lot of people have panned ABC and this album over the years, but I think its making a comeback as music critics realize its staying power. It was crazy and over the top during its time, and it still is! That's why I love it.
It seems funny to say this, but I love this album because it seems to capture my personality and experience with love more than anything else I've heard. It's witty, acerbic, self-deprecating yet arrogant, a little crazy, but contained and superbly crafted. The lyrics are poppy and bitter at the same time. There is an energy and earnestness tinged with desperation and resignation that conveys the vital importance of finding true love, even as the singer's heart is broken at every turn. Listening to this album on vinyl is even better, because the scratchiness of the record adds a gorgeous layer of nostalgia. I guess I can't really explain it fully, but this album makes me happy. I told you, I like sad music! But this is really happy sad music. Check out the cheesy video for "Poison Arrow"...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Handsomest Man
I know this is silly, but I just saw the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in my life! I think he even surpasses the Danish man I saw in France back in the summer of 2000, who until now I considered the handsomest man I had ever seen. This new guy was on the downtown C train, when I hopped on at 86th Street. He was sitting across from me, and was probably in his early 30s, tall but not too tall, with thick dark hair and a very short beard. The best news--he looked at me, and seemed to keep looking. But then he got up at the next stop, 81st Street, and that was the end of that. I thought for a moment about following him, but then I remembered that I am actually a sane person. What a pity.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Now What?

My grade is still great, but not as good as I hoped it would be, so I feel kind of frustrated and impotent and a little despondent at this point. The anticipation waiting for the grade was terrible, and yet good because I could imagine the best case scenario. So to find out that I'm just average is kind of a disappointment. And yet, part of me doesn't really care, because the whole thing is over and done with, and I've learned a lot, which is the important thing. Where do I go next is the question now, and what do I do with myself? Questions are filling me with hope, renewed interest, trepidation, anticipation, nervousness, fear and excitement.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Celeb Sighting
Monday, February 9, 2009
Lessons the Hard Way
It was a good weekend for me, but my sister had a hard time. I was going to rant on my blog about stuff that happened to her, but instead of rehashing it all, I'll just tell you what we should all try to learn:
1. Don't be afraid to say no sometimes, like when you feel like you are being asked to do too much.
2. Ask for help when you need it.
3. Don't dwell on what you imagine other people are thinking about you. Chances are, they aren't even thinking it.
4. Don't worry about things before they even happen, because chances are they won't even happen.
5. Everyone's burden will be lighter and easier when we all work together, so look around and try to identify others' needs and see if you can help.
6. To all the Mormons out there--remember that we are given callings so that we may serve one another, not order them to serve us. Be kind, gentle, and sensitive to the people you work with in the church. We are imperfect, struggling, fragile humans, all of us.
7. Remember the common courtesies: Please, thank you, how are you? Especially thank you.
Well, there are probably a few more things to learn, but these are the ones that have been roiling within me, needing to find expression.
I felt like a bad sister, because I wasn't there to help E out when she needed me, but there are some lessons we end up learning the hard way. Hopefully she's not holding it against me, and hopefully she is learning how to be a little braver and bolder, knowing her own limits and setting boundaries. Sometimes as LDS women we feel like we must say yes to everything, help everyone, do everything we are asked to do because that means we are sweet and good. But there is a fine line between going the extra mile to help out and becoming someone's doormat. When you let other people take advantage of you, it benefits no one.
Anyway, sorry to be cryptic, but I don't want to embarrass E any more. She's been through enough!
Let me just end by saying a farewell thank-you to the rolling cart that sustained my sister and I through countless trips to the grocery store and laundromat, a traumatic move, and many odd trips to Target. May you rest in peace in the alleyway behind our apartment where Trini no doubt has thrown you. And Trini, if by some chance you are reading this instead of standing out front talking philosophy and religion with some random ruffian, E promises to return your cart next time she sees you. Thank you for being there to loan it to her at the moment she needed it most.
1. Don't be afraid to say no sometimes, like when you feel like you are being asked to do too much.
2. Ask for help when you need it.
3. Don't dwell on what you imagine other people are thinking about you. Chances are, they aren't even thinking it.
4. Don't worry about things before they even happen, because chances are they won't even happen.
5. Everyone's burden will be lighter and easier when we all work together, so look around and try to identify others' needs and see if you can help.
6. To all the Mormons out there--remember that we are given callings so that we may serve one another, not order them to serve us. Be kind, gentle, and sensitive to the people you work with in the church. We are imperfect, struggling, fragile humans, all of us.
7. Remember the common courtesies: Please, thank you, how are you? Especially thank you.
Well, there are probably a few more things to learn, but these are the ones that have been roiling within me, needing to find expression.
I felt like a bad sister, because I wasn't there to help E out when she needed me, but there are some lessons we end up learning the hard way. Hopefully she's not holding it against me, and hopefully she is learning how to be a little braver and bolder, knowing her own limits and setting boundaries. Sometimes as LDS women we feel like we must say yes to everything, help everyone, do everything we are asked to do because that means we are sweet and good. But there is a fine line between going the extra mile to help out and becoming someone's doormat. When you let other people take advantage of you, it benefits no one.
Anyway, sorry to be cryptic, but I don't want to embarrass E any more. She's been through enough!

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Haitian Evangelical
Well, happy Sunday! I will try to post more later... but I've got a busy day ahead.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
One Reason I'm Single

So me and two of my other coworkers walked over there after work last Friday evening to try and find the Meetup group. We get out of work after 6 though, so we were late, and while we were milling around in the lobby trying to spot a group that resembled "Brainiacs," I suddenly saw two friends from church. I said hi and introduced them to my coworkers, and we chatted for a moment. When I mentioned that I was there to try and find a Meetup group, all of a sudden this guy who was walking by stopped and said, "Hey! Are you here for the Meetup group? Where is it?" We tried to be friendly, and he introduced himself as Jason, and asked if he could tag along with us. The Brainiacs were no where to be found--they must have already gone in, so we decided to just go in too and make the most of it.
It was nice wandering around the MoMA, because it had been a while since my last time there, and I didn't realize how starved I was for some art. My coworkers and I had a fun time taking in the new exhibitions and talking about our experiences studying art in college. Jason was a good sport and wandered around with us, and I admit he was really nice, but... He stuck to me like glue, which is already a little annoying, and then he said he had never been to a museum before in his life. "What are some good museums to go to in New York?" he asked me, rendering me speechless. I hate to sound like a snob, but how can you live in New York and never have been to a museum? How can you live to your mid-20s or whatever he was, and not go to a museum? So I tried to explain art to him, but that's a little impossible when you're starting from scratch. He didn't get it, either, so that was frustrating. But somehow he kept wanting to talk to me, and at the end of the night as me and my friends parted ways, Jason asked if any of us wanted to get some food, but we all said no--we had to get home. So he was like, "Okay, let me give you my number. Call me the next time you go to a museum." And because I don't know how to say no, I pulled out my phone and he spelled his first and last name for me, and he entered my number in his phone too.
He called me two days later, and left a message, but it was all muffled, so I deleted it. And I didn't call back. Is that mean? I didn't feel any attraction at all, was mildly annoyed by him actually, and am very selfish with my time. I'm not going to go out with someone just because I don't want to be mean, or because they are nice and I feel sorry for them because they've never been to a museum before.
I thought that was the end of it, but then he called me again today. This time I could hear the message clearly, and it said, "Hi, this is Peter. Give me a call back when you get a chance! (muffled sound)" I've been replaying it and replaying it, and am starting to wonder if I'm the crazy one, but I'm positive that when we were at the museum he said his name was Jason. The voice is the same. The muffled sound at the end sounds to me like he is starting to say, "I mean..." but E thinks it sounds like "See ya."
Either way, the question is: Why do I always attract weirdos?!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
It's About Time
Can You See Him?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I Forgot to Say
Yesterday I forgot to write that when I came home from my outing with Marcus, I noticed crime scene tape all around the apartment right across the street from mine. The glass from the first floor windows was shattered all over the sidewalks, and the rooms gaped black. I asked Trini, walking his doll of a pitbull, what had happened. "There was a fire," he said. In the few hours that I was gone, a fire had gutted the first floor apartments of the building across the street from mine! Crazy. Actually, the crazy thing is that there isn't a shred of information about it in the news, so I don't know anything else. Maybe now my neighbors will stop smoking in the stairwell.
Monday, February 2, 2009
An Eventful Day

After wandering around in the church for about an hour, Marcus and I walked through Morningside Park and then I headed home. I was invited to a couple of Groundhog Day parties, but I decided instead to just stay in and hibernate a little after such a busy day. So I'm trying to crochet now, but my hand is hurting for some reason. Typing doesn't really help, but I can't just sit around and do nothing. Anyway... that was my day.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Not Quite Harlem, But...
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