Tuesday, November 25, 2008

All My Bags Are Packed

I'm almost ready to go... It will be an early morning flight tomorrow. E and I are waking up at 4 a.m. to make sure we catch our 6:30 am flight. Ugh. But it will be nice to be home in time for breakfast. And the first flight of the day shouldn't be delayed, right? Then again, this is LaGuardia we're talking about.

Exactly one year ago I was going home for Thanksgiving with a broken heart. My ex-boyfriend had found a new love after only two months without me, and I was completely crushed. It made me question everything--should I have come to New York? Could things have been better if I'd stayed in North Carolina? But every time I asked the question, I felt that I had made the right choice. If I had more time right now I'd write the whole poignant story of going back that first time, facing all my fears, fragile as an autumn leaf. But I've got to finish packing and go to bed early, and besides, nobody wants to hear a sad story right now.

Cut to the end. Full circle. My heart still hurts a bit, and its still a little nerve-wracking to go back, but I feel better now. I'm so grateful for this year, for all the experiences I've been part of in New York, and I trust my instincts. I'm not sure what the future holds, but if there is one thing I've learned this year, it is that its okay to step into the unknown sometimes. More than likely, its the best thing you can do.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

travel safe, don't get a belly ache, and have fun. Happy Turkey Day.
P.S. I tagged you on my 4th pic post. :)