Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mormons In New York

Because its Sunday, I thought it would be a good idea to give a spiritual message, or some kind of sermon, but my thoughts are scattered today, and though there were a lot of good messages in church today, I don't know which one I would want to focus on to talk about. So maybe since this is my first Sunday in blog-land, instead of the sermon, I'll just talk about Mormons in New York.

I'm a Mormon, the nick-name for a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. There are Mormon's everywhere you go, and there are quite a lot here in NYC. Each congregation, or ward, is based on where you live, and my ward is full of artists, musicians, playwrights (well, I know for a fact there's one, because he's got a play opening off-Broadway this week) and other talented people. The most wonderful thing is that every Mormon I've met since moving here, both guys and girls, has been extremely nice, friendly, and helpful. They all seem to understand that in a big unfamiliar city a newcomer needs a little help. No doubt they were once in the same situation themselves. Whenever I tell them why I'm here they immediately think of someone I should talk to who might be able to help me with such and such. It makes me hope that I would be as helpful were I the one who wasn't new.

The other thing I like about the Mormons here is that, again, they all seem so talented. Not just talented, but interesting. They all seem to be living very full, active lives, doing what they want to be doing. Aside from an accountant Mormon I met on the subway this afternoon who said "oh, it's just a job...," in general I've found that people here are excited to be here, full of energy for their pursuit, whatever it is. Maybe you have to be excited and energetic to live here and make it in such an overwhelming place.

One thing that a lot of people say about this church I belong to is that wherever you go, you have a family, and I've really found that to be true. And because the people are so kind, so generous with their friendship, it makes me believe all the more that what I learn at church is true and beneficial to me. The subjects discussed today in various classes today at church were unity, grace (as referred to by Paul in Romans,) and forgiveness. Knowing that the teachers and speakers really live and believe what they talk about is tremendous, and gives me peace and hope. There are definitely areas there that I could use some work on, but I'm surrounded by such good examples--not just here, but from all the wards I've been a part of (I miss you D3!)--that I know I can do it.

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